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Making the Right Career Change for You

03-11-2013 / By: Easy Life

As kids, we muse about what professions we want to hold as adults in the future. A lot of people enter university with a career choice already in mind. Others may need time and guidance to explore their options for the future. Once they have embarked on their occupation, they may not find themselves unhappy with their career choices a couple years into their choices. Career changes among working professionals are not uncommon in this era.Many  college graduates face a dilemma of unemployment often not being able to find the jobs in their areas of expertise.  If you reached that point, it may behoove you to consider a career change.

Making a career change usually entails investing both your money and time on researching your options.  Akin to any investment you make, it is important to be informed before you take that plunge. Regardless of your reasons, the right career is out there for everyone. By learning how to research options, realize your strengths, and acquire new skills, as well as muster the courage to make a change, you can discover the career that’s right for you.

Before you make a big life decision such as a career change, you should decide if you really need to make one.  You just may need to find a different job which is not always an easy task but it’s certainly simpler and pursuing a program and starting from scratch  all over again. Plus you don’t have to worry about a tuition factor. However there is no guarantee that you’ll be able to find a job right away from going to school for a second time.

Evaluating you skills set, values, personality, and interests can help you decide if you need a career change and direct you on the right career path for you. These self-assessment tools can be conducted through computerized career tests. Self assessment tools are used to generate a list of occupations that are deemed appropriate based on your answers to series of questions. Some people choose to have career counselors or other career development professionals administer them but many opt to use free career tests that are available on the Web.

If you have narrowed down some specific jobs or careers, you can find a wealth of information online, from description of positions to average salaries and estimated future growth. This will also help you figure out the practical priorities: How stable is the field you are considering? Are you comfortable with the amount of risk? Is the salary range acceptable to you? What about commute distances? Will you have to relocate for training or a new job? Will the new job affect your family?

Once you have a general idea of  a career path you want to pursue, take some time to figure out what skills you have and what skills you need. Remember, you’re not completely starting from scratch–you already have some skills to start. These skills are called transferable skills, and they can be applied to almost any field.

If you have decided on a new career but lack the skills and experience, don’t despair just yet.  There are many ways to acquire those skills and experience.  While learning more about your new career, you’ll have an opportunity to discover whether you enjoy your chosen career as as well as forging professional connections that could lead you to your dream job.

A long arduous commute to work or dealing with a difficult boss on a daily basis can be a motivator for starting your own business. The thought of working for one’s self without being on a time table can be appealing to some people.  Even in a slower economy, it’s still possible to find your perfect niche. Depending on the specialty, some companies prefer to streamline their ranks and work with outside vendors. However, it is especially important to do your homework and understand the realities of business ownership before you jump in.

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